You could be doing well. You might even be doing good. Why not spend some time to combine the two and talk with folks who are doing the same ? Join the Culver City Chamber of Commerce for an evening of networking and lively discussion focusing on real-world examples of initiatives that not only impact your business, but the community as well.
This is joint Culver City and Santa Monica Chamber Mixer and optional panel discussion hosted by Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology.
The Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology’s Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series is proud to host a panel discussion on social responsibility in the corporate environment – “Doing Well by Doing Good: How to improve Your Bottom Line through Social Responsibility”
DATE: Wednesday, October 26
TIME: 5:30 PM (co-sponsored by One Hope Wine)
Panel discussion: 7 – 9 PM
LOCATION: The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center
Rave Motion Pictures Theater
6081 Center Drive, Los Angeles, 90045
(Across from Pepperdine’s West Los Angeles Graduate Campus)
Parking $2
FEE: $15 prepaid; $20 at the door
RSVP: By 1 PM on Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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