CCUSD would like you all to note- School employees and adult school students have priority for parking in the CCMS/Farragut Elementary parking lots. We currently DO NOT have enough parking spaces to accommodate the nearly 300 employees and students that use these lots. We have designated eight spaces as visitor parking to at least provide some area for parents and other visitors.
Parent volunteers can park in the street directly in front of Farragut Elementary between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Parents can park in the designated visitor parking spaces (8 spaces) located directly behind the natatorium. There is a 1-hour time limit for visitor parking.
Permit parking violations will not be enforced between 7 and 9 a.m., and after 4 p.m. There is no parking enforcement on the weekends.
Citations will be issued for all non-permit violations (parking in the red; double parking; not parking in a designated space, etc.) between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday -Friday.
Parents ARE allowed to pull into the rear parking (we strongly encourage this) lot to pick up and drop off their children. If a parent wishes to park and escort his/her child onto campus, they may park in any undesignated parking space between 7 and 9 a.m. without a permit. If they intend to be on campus later than 9 a.m. they must move their vehicle to a visitor’s space or to the street.
Traffic/Signage Information
Left-Turn Signage
➢ The signs posted on Farragut indicating no left turn into the school parking lots and the sign restricting left turns out of the school driveway closest to Farragut Elementary were installed by the City of Culver City, not the Culver City Unified School District. Your comments regarding the “left turn” issue are being forwarded to the City.
Traffic Congestion
➢ Employees & parents using Elenda to enter the school complex that have never used this route before think that the traffic congestion is caused by the City not allowing left turns from Farragut. This not the case. The traffic congestion on Elenda has always been a problem, as has the traffic on Huron from Culver Blvd. to Braddock.
➢ The issue of students crossing the street wherever they choose is not a new, and certainly was not caused by the changes in the parking lot or the turning restrictions implemented by the City. Unfortunately, students have been doing this for years and this is a safety issue that needs to be addressed.
CCUSD in an attempt to address the safety issues with students crossing the street and excessive vehicle traffic, made the following requests/suggestions to the City/Police Department:
Provide traffic control officers on Elenda at Farragut, Franklin, and Garfield to control the flow of students through the crosswalks and the flow of vehicles.
The Culver City Police Department will authorize and assist CCUSD in training our Security Officers to direct traffic.
Have new crosswalks painted on Elenda at Franklin & Garfield.
The City of Culver City, like many other public entities, has been facing budget cuts and is unable, at this time, to fulfill all of our requests. The City has been collaborating with CCUSD on a Safe Routes to School grant that could, eventually, provide funds to address some of these concerns.
If you have any questions regarding permit parking in the Farragut/CCMS parking lot, please contact Ted Yant, CCUSD Security Supervisor, at [email protected]
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