Wrist Bands for the Carnival Rides at Fiesta La Ballona are now available. The pre-Fiesta price is $20. The sale runs from August 1st until noon, August 26th.
The price during Fiesta is $25.
Wrist Band vouchers can be purchased during regular business hours at the Recreation Office, (Rear of the Veterans Memorial Building) 4117 Overland Avenue.
The Recreation Office is open
Monday 8:00 am until 6:30 pm
Tues-Friday 11:30 am until 6:30 pm
Saturday 10:00 am until 4:00 pm
Closed on Sunday
The Wrist Bands will be honored only on Saturday and Sunday, August 27th and 28th. Each wrist band is good for only one day from noon until 6:00 pm. Wrist Bands will NOT be honored for ride admissions past 6 pm.
Each person must have his or her own wrist band. Wrist bands cannot be shared by 2 people. Wrist Band vouchers are non-refundable and non-replaceable (if lost or stolen).
For more information about Fiesta La Ballona, please visit our website www.fiestalaballona.org
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