So now that you have finished that last paperback from the airport, and your friend isn’t finished with the one she said she would loan you, it’s really about time for the Culver City Julian Dixon Library Quarterly Book Sale. Sat. May 21, from 9 to 3 p.m. As always, there will be a huge selection of gently used books. Art – Biographies- Business- Children’s Books-Classics-Computer -Cooking -Foreign Language-History – Home and Garden- Medical-Music- Mysteries- Novels-Paperbacks-Reference-Textbooks-Religion-Romance-Science Fiction- Self Help- Sports- Audiocassettes CDs DVDs -Videos-Travel and more!
There will be pizza and drinks for our volunteers as well as school credit for service hours. Please email [email protected] to volunteer. Set-up begins at 7:30 a.m. and teardown is 2:30.
There is still time to clean your shelves ( or closets or garage or whatever) and donate your books to the library. Best to bring them in to the counter and keep them dry. Our wonderful librarians will be happy to write you a receipt.
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