Local Measures in Other Locales-
Even though I’m writing for a Culver City news medium, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are local ballot measures on the June 8 ballot in districts outside Culver City: Los Angeles Unified School District, Lynwood Unified School District, and the cities of Inglewood and Torrance. Access more info about all of them from http://smartvoter.org/2010/06/08/ca/la/meas/
Besides the fact that Culver City Crossroads has readers in Los Angeles, Lynwood, Inglewood, and Torrance, some of the ballot measures in these areas are relevant to issues of concern in our fair city. No community is an island, eh? We can learn something by paying attention to our neighbors.
LAUSD’s Measure E is a parcel tax, like the Measure EE passed by Culver City voters last November with a 75% majority. Parcel taxes, requiring at least a 2/3 majority for passage, provide a way to compensate for reductions in state support of local education. Pasadena Unified School District tried for a parcel tax in a Special Election (all vote-by-mail) on May 4, but achieved only a 53.7% majority. Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is hanging in with a 64.2% majority in ‘semi-final’ results of their May 25 Special Election (also all vote-by-mail).
Lynwood Unified School District is going for ‘general obligation’ school bonds in the amount of $37.4 million. If their Measure AA passes with the 55% majority required for school bonds, LUSD will be empowered to sell bonds and use the money for specified improvements to school facilities.
The City of Inglewood’s Measure CS would withdraw six employees (assistants to the Mayor and Council members) from civil service. Unlike Culver City, where the office of Mayor is filled by a member of the City Council, Inglewood’s Mayor is elected separately. Inglewood’s four-member City Council is elected by district, whereas all seats on the Culver City City Council are elected at large.
Measure A in the City of Torrance is a proposal to move their municipal election to the last Tuesday in April of each even-numbered year. Back in November 2004, Torrance voted to consolidate their election with the statewide primary, but now they want to move it to a ‘stand-alone’ date. This move would allow them to administer it themselves, as Culver City does with our own ‘stand-alone’ April election. Torrance sees this move as step one in a strategy to consolidate their City and School Board elections on a single date. Currently, the Torrance Unified School District holds its elections when CCUSD does — in November of every odd-numbered year — when the L.A. County Registrar of Voters administers a vast array of municipal, school district, and special district elections.
Culver City voters with strong feelings about the scheduling of our local elections should stay tuned to what’s happening in Torrance.
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