This coming Saturday, April 10, from noon to 4 p.m. the Culver City Democratic Club will present the California Democratic Candidate Forum for State Constitutional Officers. The Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland Ave will be the location for candidates for the statewide ballot in June to present their platforms. Doors will open at 11 a.m., and the program, hosted by KPFK’s Ian Masters will begin at noon. While not all candidates will be physically present (some will particiapate via phone) the event will be broadcast live on KPFK radio. Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party Eric Bauman will offer opening remarks. Candidates confirmed to attend include former Governor Jerry Brown (via phone), Janice Hahn and and Gavin Newsome (via phone) both running for Lieutenant Governor, as well as Secretary of State Debra Bowen, State Controller John Chiang, candidates for Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and Hector De La Torre, Candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction Gloria Romero and Tom Torlakson, in addition to Jerome Horton, candidate for the state board of equalization. All six Democratic candidates for the post of Attorney General will be in attendance as well; Rocky Delgadillo, Kamala Harris, Chris Kelley, Ted Lieu, and Alberto Torrico.
The event is free and open to the public.
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