Dear Editor- C of C CEO for Malsin and Cooper

Dear Editor,
The Culver City Chamber earlier in the Culver City council election endorsed the re-election of Scott Malsin and the election of Jeff Cooper to the Culver City Council on April 13. The chamber board is made up of your local merchants, soccer, little league coaches that are your neighbors.

The campaign has strengthened my personal opinion is that the election of Malsin and Cooper is necessary for the continued positive evolution of Culver City as a community during these tough financial times.
Malsin is a proven leader with four years on the city council and five years as a Planning Commissioner. Jeff Cooper as a 10 year veteran of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the chair of the Culver City Car Show.

Leadership and knowledge of Culver City jumps out as their primary differences of their candidacy in comparison to the other two candidates.

The Chamber was the leading financial supporter of the school districts Measure EE to insure a funding stream for our schools, the Culver City Chamber was proud to endorse and financial support our schools, now we ask you to join us in supporting and electing Scott and Jeff to our city council for all of Culver City.


Steven J. Rose

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. Dear Editor,
    I am writing to vigorously support Jeff Copper’s candidacy for Culver City Council.
    As a Culver City resident for 27 years, (and one who has voted in every election) I feel Jeff is almost the “perfect” candidate. Engaging, enthusiastic, energetic, experienced, intelligent, and extremely hard working,
    Jeff has “paid his dues.” Jeff is always the first to step up when there is any kind of civic need. Jeff has served our community and our city in a wide variety of capacities and has extensive knowledge of the various committees, boards, and local government departments and agencies that keep our city humming.
    For his time, his energy and his unstinting contributions to Culver City, Jeff Cooper deserves our votes on April 13th. Please join me in giving him a place on our city council.
    Monika Rogasch

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