Local food – What is it? Check out Transition Culver City’s April meeting.There will be a panel of amazing people helping us learn about what’s already happening in Culver City and what’s in the works. We have an active CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture)organization, a farmer’s market, a community garden and folks working on more new community gardens.
Find out how you can get involved in local food. We will learn about the Community Garden at Holy Nativity in Westchester and the Learning Garden at Venice High School. There will also be information about the Gardens of Gratitude project – 100 edible gardens being created in one weekend on the west side of LA – including Culver City. What do you want to see happening in Culver City? We need your input! Come and participate.
April 18 at 12:30 will be the community potluck (How local you can make your dish?) and from 1 to 3 p.m. we will present the program.
The program is free and donations are welcome!
Culver-Palms United Methodist Church 4464 Sepulveda Blvd.
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