Editor’s Note- In this final section of Steve Gourley essay, the rewards for your participation are outlined.
Guess what? If you follow my advice, your rise to power in Culver City cost you almost nothing: half a day helping; calling people to turn out the vote; telling the man where you wanted your lawn sign; a $5.00 contribution.
Better yet, the city did not have to spend your tax payer dollars to engage in some sort of expensive outreach program to get the so-called disenfranchised or uninformed people to come out to vote. You did it yourself; you took responsibility; you wanted a say in how your community responds to your needs. The people who showed up for their candidate, for their election, and for their city, did so, with the minutest effort. Government didn’t have to drag them out. The people who cared were there. That’s what makes them the most important people in the city. The people who didn’t show up to vote don’t count because they don’t care: they never will. And there is nothing you can do to make them care. To paraphrase Yogi Berra when the New York Mets’ attendance started to decline: “If the people don’t want to come, you can’t stop ‘em.”
Finally, if you follow my suggestions to become a political “Big Shot” in this town, and do take these minimal steps to get involved in the community, you might actually find out more about your community; you might want to find out even more about how decisions are made in Culver City and by whom; you might feel better about yourself for making the effort; you might want to help make some of those decisions, and you might feel better about yourself and your city, because, after all, you helped make the city better.
Think about it.
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