The candidate filed papers January 19 to officially register her campaign for the City Council election on April 13, 2010.
On a rainy Tuesday morning at City Hall, Meghan Sahli-Wells submitted the documents that will place her name on the ballot for City Council. From the start, Sahli-Wells’ campaign has attracted large numbers of supporters, including many
government officials and community leaders endorsing her candidacy. Over 100 people attended her kick-of’ event in November, and the campaign has been gaining momentum ever since. A “signing party” in January to collect the signatures necessary to file her candidacy was attended by dozens of her supporters.
“I’m really humbled and honored by the number of people supporting my campaign,” said Sahli-Wells. “It shows the desire for change among people in the community, and the depth of pride and involvement that drives so many residents. I look forward to continue working on behalf of all of Culver City, bringing people together to find innovative solutions to the budget crisis and the other issues facing our great city.”
Among the candidate’s many endorsers are Culver City Vice Mayor Chris Armenta, Council Member Gary Silbiger, Former Culver City Mayor Dr. James D. Boulgarides, newly elected School Board Member Karlo Silbiger, Los Angeles Community College Board President Mona Field, Former School Board Member Dr. Wanda Boulgarides, Former School Board Member Barbara Honig, California Democratic Party Secretary
and Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Jim B. Clarke, and 47th Assembly District Environmental Commissioner Tom Camarella.
The campaign is meeting its fundraising goals, in part due to events like the “Jam Session” held at Akasha restaurant in December, and an upcoming dinner on January 25 at the downtown bistro Meet.
The first campaign mailer was sent in December, and more mailings are planned in the coming months as Sahli-Wells embarks on precinct walking tours that will take her to every part of the city and introduce her to even more people. Meghan’s campaign is also fortunate to benefit from the services of her husband, Karim Sahli, who owns a graphic design business that helps produce the campaign’s mailers, brochures, and other materials.
Sahli-Wells will be holding a series of events in the upcoming months, including a “listening event” that will give voters a chance to share their ideas with the candidate. The campaign’s “Community Speak-Out on Sustainability” on Feb. 21 will explore ways to encourage city government to make sustainable environmental practices more accessible in Culver City.
An experienced community leader, Meghan Sahli-Wells is co-founder of two neighborhood organizations, and currently serves on two Culver City Council-appointed committees: the Advisory Committee On Redevelopment; and the Culver City Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, where she acts as Vice-Chair. Her candidacy is founded on five principal goals: safe and vital neighborhoods, fiscal health, responsible development, green initiatives, and community participation.
For more information about “Meghan Sahli-Wells for Council 2010,” go to
website at, or send email to [email protected].
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