Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

Rules and Respect

There is, in the art of debate, a form known as the ‘”ad hominem fallacy.” When you note someone making a statement you don’t agree with, you attack the speaker personally, and not the policy …[READ MORE]

Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

Pull Focus

In regard to how the CCPD needs to follow the state law AB 481, the two questions that I keep coming back to are why? And how much? With hearings on gangs in the Los …[READ MORE]

Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

Juneteenth in All Its Glory

It’s a multi-faceted holiday. At the first official Culver City celebration of Juneteenth at the downtown plaza, the speakers at the event had multiple names for it; Freedom Day, Kingdom Day, the End of Slavery. …[READ MORE]

Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw


With each mass murder, I am outraged by a very simple idea; anyone in this country can get a gun, and anyone can commit murder. We are ankle-deep in blood because it’s against the law …[READ MORE]

Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

Echo in Chambers

With the first ‘live in council chambers’ meeting in years, a considerable amount of echo hindered the process. While there were actual legal discussions at the city council meeting on April 11, the business at …[READ MORE]

Just a thought by Judith Martin-Straw

The Paradigm Shift

In 1962, Thomas Kuhn published ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ and gave us the phrase ‘paradigm shift.’ It was soon everywhere; it migrated from science into pop culture. Any change in fashion, art, music or …[READ MORE]