We Need Each Other – New Class on Deconstructing Racism

We live in a racist society, and whether or our racism is conscious or unconscious, it’s there. 

Everyone benefits in a society where everyone has more access to power. We have much more in common with one another than we have acknowledged.

We Need Each Other, a non-profit that addresses the crisis in many different ways, is offering a new class for people to consider, discuss and learn about deconstructing racism. Beginning Dec. 1, 2020 and running for four weeks, the class will meet online for two hours a week. It’s a small and gentle commitment towards making your world a better place. 

This system is functioning as it was created to function. There is nothing accidental about the system of racism. There must be intentional action to dismantle it just as there was intentional action to build it.  That requires open hearts and open minds to a degree never before experienced and a willingness to be better.

For more information, go to https://www.weneedeachothernow.org/class

To sign up, go to https://mailchi.mp/4a218d7ff66d/no-date-rev



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