In a 4 to 1 vote, the City Council approved conceptual plans for the Better Overland and Safer Fox Hills Project. Mayor McMorrin, Vice Mayor O’Brien, and Council Members Vera Jr. and Puza voted in favor of the motion. Council Member Eriksson abstained.
City staff will now pursue grant funding for the Project. The Project’s goals are to improve travel for everyone, including those who use a wheelchair, walk, bike, take transit, or drive. It begins at the intersection of Overland Avenue and Venice Boulevard and extends to the Culver City Transit Center and through the Fox Hills neighborhood.
Proposed improvements include eight substantial upgrades including:
3 route-miles of concrete bike lanes
Upgrading all signalized intersections on the Project corridor to protected intersections
A new pedestrian signal at the Julian Dixon Library and new traffic signals at a number of intersections
Retrofitting all streetlights on the Project corridor with sidewalk-facing streetlights
Installation of a new sidewalk, curb ramps, and crosswalks on the southside of Slauson Avenue
Upgrading bus stops
Curb extensions throughout Fox Hills neighborhoods
Various other pedestrian and bicyclist amenities, such as new shade trees, bike racks, and wayfinding signage
Staff offered 12 different engagement events in April and May, along with feedback forms and surveys for those who could not attend in-person community outreach. In total, more than 1,000 comments were received, helping with the revision of the plans. Staff reported strong overall support for the Project. You can read more of the plans and general highlights in detail on the City’s website.
The grant application deadline is June 17th. Grant recipients of the $20 million will be announced in the winter. If awarded, the City would provide a 20% match of the grant, which amounts to $4 million. Construction would begin in 2025 and take place over several years.
City of Culver City