Do you have a CCHS student and 15 minutes to help the Culver City High School PTSA get $500? Then fill out this survey! We would love to get as many surveys submitted by the end of March. Our goal is 100 surveys submitted!
Survey /ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SPBegEXDppbj70Professor Ben Bigelow of the University of Oklahoma is researching the perceptions of parents of high school age students regarding shop class, vocational/technical training, and careers in construction. He is using a survey to get data from all around the country (including good old Culver City). The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is provided in English and Spanish.
If we can get 100 survey responses from Culver City High School parents, the PTSA will get $500 (and it’s prorated, so $250 for 50 responses, $125 for 25 responses, or $750 for 150 responses, etc.).
Thanks, everybody! if you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]
Culver Pride