Dear Editor – Introduction to a New Local Democratic Club

Dear Editor,

I am contacting you on behalf of the newest Democratic Club in Culver City, Culver City Democrats United. Those of us who are founding members discussed at great length what we wanted our club to be called and what we wanted it to represent. We chose the title as we believed it best illustrated the “Big Tent” policies and positions of the United States Democratic Party, our watchword being inclusion. We want to be open to all different constituencies within the Democratic Party, and not just one narrow point of view.

Since our charter was approved by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, we have become the fastest growing club in the county. Our membership continues to grow weekly and includes quite a few present and past elected and appointed Culver City officials.

Our membership has voted to endorse for the upcoming March 5th election the following:

Congress, District 37: Sydney Kamlager-Dove

Los Angeles County Supervisor, Second District – Holly Mitchell

CA 55th Assembly District – Isaac Bryan

Los Angeles County District Attorney – Jeff Chemerinsky

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judges

Judicial Seat No. 39: Jacob Lee

Judicial Seat No. 48: Renee Rose

Judicial Seat No. 97: Sam Abourched

Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee:

Lindsay Carlson

Jimmie Woods-Gray

Darrel Menthe

Joe Rose

I have always appreciated and continue to appreciate this publication’s commitment to fairly present all positions and points of view regarding Culver City candidates, issues, and policies.

Contact information for Culver City Democrats United (CCDU):

Phone: (213) 290-1303

Thank you,

Judy Scott
Treasurer and Founding Member
Culver City Democrats United

The Actors' Gang