Dear Editor – Simple Math for Measure E

Dear Editor,

Like so many other Culver City families, the reason mine moved here is that we needed good schools for our kids. And CCUSD has delivered for us: the high school did a great job preparing my daughter for her current (Ivy League) college, and the middle school has been a vibrant and nurturing home for my son. CCUSD has given us exactly what we needed.

But now CCUSD needs us. Its roofs are falling in. Lakes form in passageways with each heavy rain. Students are sometimes herded into pop-up canopies because of unsafe indoor conditions. These are 70-year-old buildings and they’re behaving like, well, 70 year-old buildings. They’re broken, and they fixing, now.

That’s where Measure E comes in. For every 100 bucks that our homes are assessed at, Measure E would cost us 6 whole pennies. And with those 6 pennies (mine and yours), CCUSD will finally be able to repair and improve these crumbling school structures, making them safe and worthy of the amazing teachers, administrators, staffers and students inside them.

Culver City’s schools have given us so much. It’s time for us to give just a little to Culver City’s schools. Please join me in voting yes on Measure E.

Patrick Meighan

The Actors' Gang