City to Offer Vaccine Clinic – Flu & COVID Boosters Nov. 14

Still haven’t gotten your flu shot? In partnership with L.A. County Public Health, Culver City will be offering free flu shots and COVID-19 booster shots next Tuesday, November 14 from 10 AM-3 PM at Veterans Memorial Auditorium. No preregistration or appointments needed.

The following vaccines will be available :
Moderna 6yr-11yr
Moderna 12yr-18yr
Moderna 19yr+

Please bring your vaccine cards so that vaccine eligibility can be verified. Please see information and link below:

Everyone age 5 and older should receive an updated (2023-2024 Formulation) Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

People who are immunocompromised may receive 1 or more additional updated (2023-2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Initial vaccination: should receive either 2 doses of updated (2023-2024 Formula) Moderna or 3 doses of updated (2023-2024 Formula) Pfizer vaccine.
Those who have received previous doses will need 1 or 2 doses of updated (2023-2024 Formula) depending on the number of prior doses.
The bivalent Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are no longer available, all doses given are the 2023-2024 Formulation.
COVID-19 Vaccine Timing 2023-24 –Routine Schedule
Children ages 6 months-4 years
Registration will occur onsite. Identification with name and date of birth preferred, but residents without identification will not be turned away.
Minors receiving a vaccine will need a parent/legal guardian present AND documentation with proof of age indicating name and date of birth (birth certificate, school document, immunization/medical records, etc).

Health insurance information will be required for those that are insured.
Those who are uninsured will not be turned away.

For questions, please contact Mee Cha at [email protected] or call (213) 541-3959

The Actors' Gang