The City of Culver City has partnered with Lighthouse Services, Inc. to establish an anonymous confidential hotline for City employees, contractors, residents, and other interested parties to report fraud, waste and abuse affecting City resources.
What to Report: theft of City resources (e.g., cash, equipment, supplies or materials), record falsification, payroll fraud or time abuse, kickbacks or bribes, intentional misuse of City equipment or property, contractor fraud, gross mismanagement of resources, including careless expenditures, gross disregard of policy and/or procedural controls, or ethics violations.
This program is NOT for the purpose of reporting issues that DO NOT INVOLVE fraud, waste and abuse of Culver City resources (i.e. disputes between private parties, housing issues, problems with neighbors or family, emergencies). For a list of issues that are NOT handled by this hotline or if you need more information, please visit Fraud, Waste and Abuse of City Resources webpage.
The following methods are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse of City resources:
File a report online.
Toll-Free Telephone:
English: (833) 370-0033
Spanish: (800) 216-1288
E-mail: [email protected] (please specify your report is about Culver City)
City of Culver City