The CCUSD Board of Education discussed both the proposed budget and the Local Control Accountability Plan at the June 13, 2023 meeting, and will vote on both items at the June 27 meeting tonight.
CCUSD’s Local Control Accountability Plan is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes. This is year three of CCUSD’s three-year LCAP cycle. The five Board members have agreed to utilize this as the strategic plan to set the District’s priorities for the coming years.
The additions were presented for this final year of the LCAP’s three-year cycle include a proposal to improve and increase communication with CCUSD parents through the parent communication app Parent Square; this website offers translations into multiple languages spoken by families in our district. There is also a proposal to hire a school site family/community engagement outreach liaison. The board is also looking to increase support for students with after school enrichment programs, and hire a Teacher on Special Assignment to support underperforming students.
CCUSD’s proposed budget includes a District surplus of $2.3 million. The district will get a 6.23% Cost of Living Adjustment from the state for the 23-24 school year, but predicts a deficit of $1.4 million. In an effort to offset this and balance the budget, the intention is to reduce the cost burden of temporary employees, such as temporary instructional assistants, teachers subs, custodial staff, and security staff by increasing in-house staff capacity. This effort may save as much as $1.8 million, and create a more secure school environment.
The District has made a formal commitment to transition temporary staff who were originally hired with one-time Covid funds into permanent employees. This includes counselors, interventionists, assistant principals and others. The superintendent made the decision to use General Fund dollars for these positions because the district recognizes and values that they contribute significantly to meeting the needs of our students.
The Board plans to vote to approve both items, the LCAP and the budget, during the upcoming June 27, 2023 meeting tonight at 7 pm.
The meeting is open to the public at the Mike Balkman council Chambers at Culver City Hall, or available online at ccusd.org.