Benita Bike’s DanceArt brings a program of dance exploration to the Culver City Senior Center on Saturday, January 28, 1:30 pm. The Senior Center Auditorium is located at 4095 Overland Avenue, Culver City. This FREE arts performance is made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation.
Benita Bike’s DanceArt is dedicated to presenting polished concert dance works not only in theater settings, but also in non-traditional community spaces. This Culver City dance discovery performance is designed for all ages. Viewers will not only see fine performances of engaging modern dance works, but they will be invited to share their thoughts about art and dance.
Featured on this program are the dances “Griot Songs” and “Plugged.” “Griot Songs” follows the development of girls from girlhood, through young womanhood, and into maturity. “Plugged” explores our relationships to the machines that occupy our world and how these machines affect our sensitivity to nature, quiet, and the earth.