COVID Numbers Climbing – Masks Advised, Vaccines Available

“We are seeing a rapid acceleration again,” said L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer. “This is the time to put that mask back on.”

Currently, data shows that 6.8% of all hospital beds in Los Angeles County are being occupied by people struggling with coronavirus. At the beginning of November, that figure was 2%, meaning that hospitalizations have more than tripled in the past few weeks. If we get to 10%, there will be an indoor mask mandate reinstated. 

The County is offering a free vaccine and booster clinic through the Department of Beaches and Harbors at Burton Chace Park in Marina del Rey to anyone aged 6 months & older on Monday, December 12, 2022, from noon to 4 pm at the   Burton Chace Park – Community Room, located at 13650 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.

 According to the Los Angeles Times, L.A. County officially reassesses its data every Thursday, the same day the CDC issues its weekly report. Should L.A. County still be above that threshold on Dec. 22 — and remain so for two weeks — a mask mandate would be announced Jan. 5 and go into effect a day later.

Any new indoor mask mandate hinges on two metrics related to the pressure COVID-19 is exerting on hospitals in the nation’s most populous county. The mandate could be canceled if cases and hospitalizations stabilize or decrease. Or it could come sooner if conditions deteriorate faster than expected.

Now is the moment to update your boosters, and make sure you have a mask for any situation where there may be crowding or limited air circulation. 

Visit to make your appointment for the Monday event in MdR. Walk-ups are also welcome.

To find other vaccination clinics, visit

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16