CCUSD Sees Increase in Graduation Rates, AP Scores

CCUSD’s Educational Services Department presented the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data for the District. The opening summary states:

Student achievement in English Language Arts went slightly up while Math went slightly down.

California Science Testing shows a small decline in achievement from pre-COVID scores

Some additional data points include:
– Graduation rates rose from 91.8% in 2014 to 96.8% in 2022
– A-G coursework completion close to doubled from 41.5% in 2014 to 71.3% in 2022
– Over the last five years, the number of AP students increased from 583 to 619. Scores of 3+ improved from 75.1% in 2014 to 84% for the 1,275 AP exams taken in May 2022.
– By building our CTE programs and dual enrollment opportunities, numerous pathways are available for students to demonstrate College/Career Readiness (CCRI)

Current Actions to Address Systematic Needs
– District-Wide Sustained Professional Development in evidence-based practices (i.e. Balanced Literacy, Writer’s Workshop, CGI, Backwards Planning with standards PLCs, UDL, & Inclusive Practices)
– Continue to invest in educator capacity through continuing education opportunities
– Data Systems for analysis of progress-monitoring, which include the following platforms: Illuminate, Aeries, eduCLIMBER
– Improving access and equity for all students by expanding pathways to create broader college and career readiness


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