On August 8, 2022 the City Council adopted updates the 2021-2029 Housing Element. City Council also authorized the City Manager to make additional minor changes to the Housing Element as required to receive certification in order to meet the October 15, 2022 deadline for compliance set by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
The adopted Housing Element was submitted to HCD for a 60-day review period on August 11, 2022. During this review period, City staff has participated in two meetings with HCD. HCD requested that City staff make minor revisions, including strengthening language in some Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing policies and clarifying the timelines for policy implementation.
In response to HCD feedback on the updated Housing Element (readopted August 8, 2022), the Consultant Team submitted minor edits to the Housing Element on October 3, 2022. The specific revisions are detailed below:
Page 68. Explained how the General Plan Update will reduce impact fees to reduce this constraint on development.
Page 86. Added specific actions for the shared housing program. Established process to provide relief of City fees for affordable housing projects.
Page 88. Clarified the City’s by right permitting process for projects with 20 percent affordable low income units. Added timeline for updating the General Plan’s zoning implementation.
Page 89. Established timeline for implementing SB 9.
Page 90. Committed to establishing lower fees for accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Page 91. Expanded on the City’s current efforts to eliminate parking minimums. Committed to study removing the referendum on height limits.
Page 93. Added program to study accessory commercial uses.
Page 97. Committed to pursuing additional funding for Project Homekey.
Page 100. Committed to establishing development standards to facilitate co-housing and other alternative housing arrangements.
Page 109. Committed to petitioning Los Angeles Community Development Authority for city specific data.
Appendix B.
A summary of the changes made to the Housing Element, visit the Housing Element page on the General Plan Update project website. Go to https://www.pictureculvercity.com/housing-element/#updatetimeline
These additional revisions were submitted to HCD on October 3, 2022. HCD will provide a letter determining the Housing Element’s compliance by October 10, 2022.
For more information on the General Plan Update, visit the project website or contact the Advance Planning Division at [email protected] or (310) 253-5740.
City of Culver City
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