The Public Works Department’s Mobility and Traffic Engineering Division has been implementing several enhancements at intersections with traffic signals to better serve pedestrians. These changes are part of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan adopted by the City Council in June 2020 and the Local Road Safety Plan adopted by the City Council in November 2021. Both of these plans support the City’s goal to reduce pedestrian and bicycle fatalities and severe injuries on our roadways to zero!
The new traffic signal timers give pedestrians a 4 second head start when entering a signalized intersection with a corresponding green signal in the same direction of travel. A Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI) enhances the visibility of pedestrians in the intersection and reinforces their right-of-way over motorists turning their vehicles. According to the National Association of City Transportation Officials, LPIs “have been shown to reduce pedestrian-vehicle collisions as much as 60% at treated intersections.”
LPIs with a 4 second head start are currently active at the eight intersections listed below, with more to come soon. This video shows the one at Culver Boulevard at Madison Avenue in action.
Overland Avenue at Farragut Drive
Overland Avenue at Braddock Drive
Culver Boulevard at Main Street
Culver Boulevard at Lafayette Place
Culver Boulevard at Madison Avenue
Sepulveda Boulevard at Lindblade Street
Sepulveda Boulevard at Braddock Drive
Washington Boulevard at Elenda Street
Pedestrians are given a minimum 3–7 second head start entering the intersection.
Through and turning traffic are given the green light. Turning traffic yields to pedestrians already in the crosswalk.
City of Culver City
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