Homelessness and Housing Hub Offers Data on County and City of LA

With the issue of homelessness affecting every aspect of social policy, Los Angeles City Controller Galperin launched an online Homelessness and Housing Hub that collects data from the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and other government and nonprofit sources, to better illustrate the scope of the crisis and progress on solutions, and help those in need of housing and services. The dashboard includes six years of homeless count totals, the rapidly rising mortality rate for the unhoused, the status of the City’s Prop. HHH projects, and the location of many interim housing solutions, including safe parking sites and tiny home villages.

“While local governments and the state of California are spending billions to address the homelessness crisis, it has remained frustratingly challenging to find accurate information about the problem, track the progress of solutions and provide resources to help people in need,” said Galperin, “[This new] hub centralizes data from multiple government entities and agencies in one location, and links users to helpful services. People deserve resources that are easy to use and understand, and that promote greater transparency and accountability.”

Users can toggle through the various maps, use the search bar to look up an address and click on a point to learn more about a location. The Homelessness and Housing Hub will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.

To access the site, go to https://lacontroller.org/data-stories-and-maps/homelessness-and-housing-hub/

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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