Triston Ezidore announced his campaign for Culver City Unified School District School Board election this coming November.
Triston is a graduate of Culver City High School, where he was a student leader focused on creating an inclusive campus environments for all students. Triston’s leadership and first-hand experience in the district make him the ideal choice to help lead the district to an equitable future.
On the launch of the campaign, Triston said, “This campaign is a promise to the students, families, and staff of Culver City Unified School District — a commitment to address our hardest challenges. In order to do that, we need champions from communities most affected leading the way.”
Culver City Council Member Alex Fisch said, “ With Triston, Culver City voters have the rare opportunity to elect someone with firsthand CCUSD experience, a demonstrated commitment to fostering a rich learning environment for all, and the flexibility and intelligence to lead the district through anything.”
Triston is the son of a Vietnamese immigrant, and a staunch believer in a school district built for everyone. He got his start in movement organizing on the grounds of Culver City High School where he pushed for bold systemic change, and worked in coalition with his peers to challenge site leadership and the school board to root our district in anti-racism.
He has proven his commitment to public service with immense involvement in the school districts Equity Advisory Council, Culver City for More Homes, POC4Change, Culver City Democratic Club, and an array of Culver City High School site committees. He says, “As a former student in the district, I saw first-hand the inequities that run rampant in our education system – this work is deeply personal to me”
Triston’s campaign has already received prominent early Culver City endorsements from Councilmember Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, Councilmember Alex Fisch, School Board Vice-President Paula Amezola de Herrera, and board members Dr. Kelly Kent, Dr. Tashon McKeithan, and Summer McBride, and Frm. Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells.
If elected, Triston would be the first black-male to serve on the school board, a historic addition to an already diverse body.
For more information, visit tristonezidore.com
Too bad that people endorsed a person with zero experience. The high school already has student participants on the board. I’ve read some of this candidate’s social media posts and he appears to be extremely immatture. The School board is not a place to experiment or play. I’m most disappointed in Summer McBride, who seemed to be the ONE school board member with her head on straight.
I apologize. I just noticed that I spelled immature incorrectly.
I have 2 kids and I want someone on the council who really knows what’s going in the the school. He offers an insight that no one can bring to the table. And I wouldn’t call this zero experience:
Senior Class Council President, Speaker of the Student Union, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Council, Sexual Harassment Action Group,Restorative Practices Council, Mock Trial, Speech and Debate, Host of Cooking With Triston, Black Student Union, Robotics, Ballona Creek Renaissance Club, Interact Club, Life Skills Club, CCUSD Equity Advisory Council, CCUSD Superintendent’s Advisory Council, POC4CHANGE, Youth Democracy Leaders Los Angeles, Culver City For More Homes, Vote 16, PTSA
One could argue this candidate has much less experience about what really goes on in CCHS. A look at his resume shows much of his time at CCHS was during the pandemic, some of it when the school was closed but in any event, an outlier, atypical experience. We need to find board candidates that show capacity to analyze broad, overarching policies for the entire district. Ones who can look ahead. So, what is Triston telling us about the draft mathematics framework being devised at the state level, which may well be a topic of discussion before the board in the next four years?
Sorry but his experience within the school does not make him qualified to be on the council. His own statements on twitter prove that he walks in with an agenda. I would like a school board that listens — not tells people – how it’s going to be. What are his views on eliminating honors, the math curriculum changes, the under funding of the schools while there is a surplus in the coffers of CC? What are the plans to deal with the steep uptick of physical fighting on campus, vaping and marijuana? What are the plans to help teachers with teachers aides in the elementary schools (which he did not attend)? These are “systemic” issues that us parents have been dealing with, pleading with, the CCUSD school board to do something about but little has changed in a decade and a half.