Free Ride! Culver CityBus to Offer Free Fare on May 19

Celebrate Bike Week with a free ride on Culver City Bus. This Thursday, May 19, 2022, bringing your bike 9or your helmet) on one of our bus lines will get you on for free. 

Did you know that by riding our zero-emission bus, you can reduce your carbon footprint by 3,916 pounds of CO2 a year? That’s equivalent to planting 29 trees!

How can you tell which line is the electric bus on today? Go to the app – NextCCBus – and look for the bus with the ‘lightening bolt.’ If it’s not on you line today, it will be soon. 

Insider info – did you know that Line 6 will take you from UCLA to LAX? (And on Thursday, you can do it for free- ) 

The Actors' Gang

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