With elections coming up, the need to get your attention is going to get more insistent, and every social media platform you use will be tossing lots of political information around. Not all online info is accurate or helpful; some is deliberately misleading. Learn about the consequences of misinformation, then discover tips that can help you investigate and identify fake or misleading information from articles, images, and even videos. For adults.
The Los Angeles County Library will be offering an online session on “Spotting Misinformation” on Thursday, April 28, at 11 am. Pre-registration is required, so go to library-lacounty-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WHjj0ifpSA65KmkOL_5ATQ?utm_source=email&utm_medium=VP_April21&utm_id=VP_April21&utm_content=misinformation_online
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