Dear Editor – Upzoning and Welcoming New Neighbors

Dear Editor,

I’m writing to express my support for upzoning and welcoming new neighbors into our community.

For young families with children, the appeal of Culver City is strong – there are great schools, clean parks and playgrounds, (great schools) trendy restaurants, (great schools), charming shops and businesses (and GREAT SCHOOLS) – all easily accessible by foot, bike or public transpo.

I’m grateful my family’s able to live here and access those things – especially (and did I mention?) the great schools…

My kids attend La Ballona Elementary – the only elementary school in CCUSD that receives Title 1 funding due to a significant portion of its population qualifying as low-income. Yet our school community is incredibly rich in other ways – namely in culture and diversity, which allow our children to grow and learn from each other in ways that that are uniquely equalizing and empathetic; it’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for any other in the district. It makes the school great, it makes our KIDS great.
In addition to being mixed income, about 30% of our student body attends on permit; many families travel hours a day to and from campus because they believe an education in Culver City is worth it. And their commutes don’t discourage them from being involved parents, PTA members, mentors, and advocates – they generously dedicate much time and energy to a community they’re only “permitted” into. And they make the school great.

By upzoning and building more multi-unit and affordable housing options, we’ll be welcoming families like those at La Ballona, who are already active members of our community—as well as so many of our teachers, coaches, and other staff and service workers. We are indebted to the service of many who live outside our town, and we can pay it back by sharing a little space. And when we do, Culver City will be greater.

Looking forward to a more diverse and equitable Culver City.

Megan Oddsen Goodwin

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. This is a double edged sward for sure.

    We are “welcoming” new neighbors yet the city no way (no money? no interest? no way?) to expand things like the needed infrastructure of the city. We have streets designed 100 years ago, most of the sewers are the same. We have limited parking (on residential streets where this “upzoning” is happening, we along with much of the west are dealing with a water shortage, a refuse over abundance…

    My question is…? Where does it end? I mean, in one way why not allow 8, 10, 20 story buildings in the city, even in ‘residential’ areas? I mean right now the city allows 5 (6?) story “multi use” buildings and multiple residences on formerly single family lots, what happens when those are full? Because as they say, “if you build it they will come”.

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