Apple Looks to Double Office Space for Culver City Streaming Service HQ

Apple announced on October 8, 2021 that it plans to increase its presence in the Culver City by twice the amount of office space, where Apple TV+ is based. The expansion of more than 550,000 square feet in two adjoining buildings is even more than was expected by industry observers.

In April of 2021, Apple said that it would spend $430 billion while creating 20,000 jobs in the United States over the next five years. According to the Los Angeles Times, Culver City offices would be increased by at least 3,000 more employees by 2026 and Apple would build a larger campus to house them.

Apple plans two new mid-rise buildings connected by a shared wall on multiple parcels in Culver City and Los Angeles surrounded by Venice, National and Washington boulevards. These lots are now home to  small retail and light industrial buildings. Apple’s offices in Culver City are currently about 500,000 square feet, and the glowing corporate logo at the northeast corner of Washington and National sits as a silent sentry on the expansion of a creative empire. 

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