Today is the last day to register to vote by mail in the California recall election, and every single vote is needed. While the political process that allows for ‘recall ‘ elections in California is deeply flawed, it is absolutely vital that everyone vote no on this absurd recall. If you prefer to mail your ballot in, check to be sure your registration is correct; if it’s not, today is the date to address that.
The state of California lost a competent but quiet Governor when Grey Davis was ‘recalled’ after winning a second term in 2003, and the leadership was handed over to bodybuilder and film actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The strategy of recalling an elected governor is an open understanding that California Republicans can’t win an actual election.
Schwarzenegger, in the ensuing years, has objected to many Republican policies, and rebuked the former federal administration in several widely publicized statements. The core of the Republican party no longer wants him as a representative. His own scandals include fathering a child with one of his domestic employees.
This time, they don’t have a movie star, just a slate of has-beens and wanna-bes, most of whom don’t even have name recognition at a state level.
Just about everyone agrees this election is simply a waste of time and money; that doesn’t mean you should sit this one out.
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