Housing First to Offer Zoom Workshop – Aug. 12

Are you concerned about housing? How the unhoused can be helped? What is needed to abate the current crisis? If you are  interested in learning more about Housing First, please sign up for our upcoming panel on ‘Understanding Housing First’ on Thursday, August 12th @ 7pm.

Homelessness is solvable. The first step is understanding how to do it right. So Housing First, a local organization, is inviting experts in the field, who have actually done it, to speak with our community.

Panelists include Anna Laven (Bakersfield-Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative,) and Christina Miller (National Alliance to End Homelessness)

You can also register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsd-yrpz0jE9LROuTTZVIPBJUWWWrjSsN3

After you register the event link will automatically be sent to you.

The Actors' Gang

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