Wings for Riley Celebrate Pride via The Trevor Project

The loss of 16 year old Culver City High School student Riley Chart to suicide in 2020 was a personal tragedy that has sparked increased local support for mental health, suicide prevention, LGBT awareness. There is now an art installation dedicated to Riley in Mar Vista, on Grand View Boulevard. 

‘The Wings’ were part of this years Pride celebration and have been dedicated to the Memory of Riley Chart and in support of The Trevor Project.

Riley’s mother, Bridget McCarthy, offered her thanks “to the talented Lalo Marquez for donating his ‘Wings’ and the wonderful Susan Klos for the space.” 

The Wings can be viewed between Charnock Road and Venice Boulevard, with a request that the owner of the location is not a docent for the display, and requests to have their privacy respected. 

To view Riley Chart’s fundraising page for The Trevor Project, go to

Judith Martin-Straw


Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16


  1. Would it be possible to amend your article to inform people without detail how Riley died, and how old Riley was. From the article I could easily surmise that a young LGBTQ+ person got into a car accident or was attacked. I do not know the general circumstances surrounding this young person’s loss of life.

    Please include them.

  2. Amended. Previous articles on Riley Chart published in CulverCityCrossroads have given these details, but you are correct that they be included here as well.

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