Since June of 2020, the City of Culver City has been considering how to close down oil drilling on the small portion of the Inglewood Oil Field that exists within city limits. The legal standard of ‘non-conforming use’ has opened a path that may become the way forward. Two weeks from today, the city will hold a meeting to discuss ‘the closure and removal of non-conforming oil and gas activities at the oil field.
The public hearing will also address the California Environmental Quality Act as it relates to these considerations.
At the June 17th meeting, council will also consider the recommendation of the City Council Oil Drilling Subcommittee, comprising of Mayor Fisch and Vice Mayor Lee, to bring the proposed Ordinance forward to City Council. The Subcommittee’s recommendation is based on input received at a series of public meetings held throughout 2020
The recent history of the city and the oil drilling issues reaches back to a June 4, 2020 Subcommittee Meeting: The Subcommittee then consisting of Vice Mayor Fisch and Council Member Sahli-Wells, discussed the Capital Investment Amortization Study for the Culver City portion of the Inglewood Oil Field prepared by Baker & O’Brien, and consideration of a potential amortization program.
On August 13, 2020 at a Special City Council Meeting, council discussed and considered public input on the ACI Study and other pertinent information and the Subcommittee’s recommendations.
At the October 26, 2020 City Council Meeting, council adopted a resolution declaring its intent to evaluate the establishment of an approximate five-year phase-out period for the amortization of nonconforming oil and gas uses within the City; and directed the Subcommittee work with staff to continue further study and return to City Council with a proposed Amortization Program that resolves the incompatible oil and gas uses and considers options to phase-out non-conforming oil and gas activities within the Culver City portion of the IOF.
The City Council public hearing will take place on June 17, 2021 at 6 PM.
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