Actors’ Gang Opens “We Live On” June 3 – Pay What You Can

Cars waiting in long lines for food. People being evicted and their possessions being repossessed. Tent cities of the homeless and destitute rising up in places they had not been before. New immigrants being attacked and marginalized and blamed for society’s ills.

In 1970, Studs Terkel interviewed businessmen, auto workers, farmers, hobos, strip tease artists, repo men, seamstresses, and labor leaders and asked them what it was like to live through the Great Depression. Their words of survival have a direct link to the challenges we face today.

About a year ago, faced with the inability to assemble in our theater, The Actors’ Gang started working via zoom to adapt Studs Terkel’s epic, seminal oral history of the Depression, Hard Times. This workshop production will be in three parts, presenting 30 stories of courage and determination, testimony to what it takes to survive unprecedented times.

Tickets are available for tonight’s performance on a ‘Pay-What-You-Can’ basis. Go to

The Actors' Gang

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