Currently, people eligible for the vaccine include healthcare workers, residents and staff at long-term care facilities, people 65 or older, education and childcare workers, food and agriculture workers, and emergency service workers and law enforcement.
Custodians and janitors, public transit workers, and airport ground crew workers are all now eligible to be vaccinated, as directed by the State. Emergency responders like social workers who handle cases of violence, abuse or neglect and foster parents providing emergency housing for young people, are also eligible to be vaccinated.
The County is currently coordinating with unions and employers to set up vaccination sites and make appointments available for these groups. For the janitorial and custodial workers, the County is in the process of creating appointments this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday at the Forum and on Saturday at the LACOE/Downey vaccination site.
Per the State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Guidelines, beginning March 15, healthcare providers may use their clinical judgment to vaccinate individuals age 16 – 64 who are deemed to be at the very highest risk to get sick from COVID-19 because they have the following severe health conditions:
Cancer, current with weakened immune system
Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 or above
Chronic pulmonary disease, oxygen dependent
Down syndrome
Solid organ transplant, leading to a weakened immune system
Sickle cell disease
Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies (but not hypertension)
Severe obesity (Body Mass Index ≥ 40 kg/m2)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hemoglobin A1c level greater than 7.5%
If as a result of a developmental or other severe high-risk disability one or more of the following applies:
The individual is likely to develop severe life-threatening illness or death from COVID-19 infection
Acquiring COVID-19 will limit the individual’s ability to receive ongoing care or services vital to their well-being and survival
Providing adequate and timely COVID care will be particularly challenging as a result of the individual’s disability.
The list of eligible conditions is subject to change as additional scientific evidence is published and as the California Department of Public Health obtains and analyzes additional state-specific data.
View additional information on the State’s Vaccine Plan webpage, register on the MyTurn website to be notified when you’re eligible to receive your vaccination, and visit the LA County COVID-19 Vaccine website for more information.
Registration is required for a vaccine appointment. Eligible LA County residents with internet access and a computer are urged to use the Vaccinate LA County website to reserve an appointment. For those without access to the internet, or with disabilities, a call center is open daily from 8 AM to 8:30 PM to help schedule appointments; dial (833) 540-0473 if you are in need of assistance. Please note that this phone line is reserved for people with disabilities or for those who don’t have internet access.
City of Culver City
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