Cold War Spaces Talks Public Art in Kazakhstan March 3

The 33rd Cold War Spaces lunchtime talk with Timur Bekbosunov, film producer, opera singer, and performance artist, and Joes Segal, the Wende Museum’s Chief Curator and Director of Programming.

Between the 1960s and 1980s, Almaty, the former capital of the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan, witnessed an explosion of public artworks. Brilliant murals, mosaics, sculpture reliefs and stained-glass windows decorated the otherwise anonymous concrete building blocks of the Khrushchev-era housing projects, often in an experimental, partly modernist style, with a focus on Kazakh history, legend and culture next to the more usual topics celebrating Soviet leaders, workers and accomplishments.

In the series Cold War Spaces, Segal will speak with opera singer, performance artist and film producer Timur Bekbosunov, who is creating a VR experience around these remarkable artworks.

Monumental Space: Public Art in Kazakhstan is a 30-minute interview followed by 15 minutes Q&A. Wednesday, March 3 at 12 p.m. Pacific Time via Zoom webinar. You can participate for free by clicking the RSVP link:…/511…/WN_VHTi8aEBRnCVqqGSSxdA5w



The Actors' Gang

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