The Actors’ Gang Theater is a stage for extraordinary, bold, award winning plays, but it’s also an open forum, a gathering place for experiences that venture beyond performance.
Our stage does not bow to either artistic or political compromise; it’s a place that brings people together for inquiry and exploration. Our Axis Mundi evenings are times when the scope of our stage expands beyond what theater can evoke.
The Open Forum with Sister Helen Prejean brought us all together to talk about life, the death penalty, social justice, and the role we can all play in change. Nights like these create an environment of collective empathy, a community that inspires fundamental change and collective action.
In collaboration with Democracy Now! veteran journalist, Juan González, introduced us to his visionary book Reclaiming Gotham: Bill de Blasio and the Movement to End America’s Tale of Two Cities. It was a night that reminded us that change always begins with grassroots movements and the will of the individual to commit to a collective cause.
The Axis Mundi series also brought venerated journalist Bill Moyers to our stage to discuss the important documentary film RIKERS: An American Jail,which brought us face to face with men and women formerly detained at Rikers Island and the deep-seated culture of systemic violence and corruption that has plagued the notorious NYC jail.
Live theater is experiencing an unprecedented challenge right now. Without an audience, most theaters face an uncertain future. We intend to survive.
While keeping our staff and teaching artists safe, insured, and employed, we continue to develop works of theater that will resonate with our audiences.
But we need your help.
If you’re in a position to do so, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to enable our artists to continue working closely with our communities, to give voice to the needs and stories of the underserved and to create theater that matters in this unique and challenging time.
Whether it’s $10 or $10,000, your gift will make a great difference.
Go to theactorsgang.com
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