As our community and the nation prepare for this week’s election, the City of Culver City commits to delivering a high level of services throughout election week. Providing a safe and healthy environment for the voting process remains a priority for your City Council and City staff. We also want to ensure our local business community that we are prepared and ready to support you during this uncertain time.
We support every individual’s First Amendment right to peacefully demonstrate and express their opinion. To ensure the safety of all those who choose to vote and peacefully demonstrate, the City team is increasing public safety efforts now through the election week. Additionally, we will activate our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on Saturday, October 31st to ensure preservation of public health, safety, and welfare.
While the City will provide ongoing communications throughout the week, we encourage you to sign up for Culver City Emergency Alerts to add your cell phone, email address and other information (your landline phone is already included). For more information about emergency alerts, check out the Community Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings.
As we all work to ensure the safety of our community, please see our answers to anticipated questions below:
Who do I call if I see individuals or groups gathering to protest or a protest in-progress?
The City supports every individual’s First Amendment right to peacefully demonstrate and express their opinion. Please call our EOC Hotline at (310) 253-6890 and let our team know what you are observing, the location (address, cross streets and/or direction of protest) and any other observed activity of concern. Our team will alert the EOC to provide a situational status.
What do I do if I see a crime – or suspected crime – in progress?
Please call 9-1-1. Our emergency dispatch center will require information such as address, observed activity, number of people involved, description of individuals or vehicles, etc.
My business has sustained damage and/or is at risk due to activity in the area.
Please call 9-1-1 to report a crime, damage, or concerning activity in the vicinity. Our emergency dispatch will need information such as address, damage, and description of individuals or vehicles if witnessed. Please visit our Economic Recovery Task Force website for a list of emergency business board-up resources if you need or wish to secure your property.
Editor’s Note: All of the protests in Culver City during the last year have been reported on and confirmed by officials as being 100% peaceful. There has been no conflict and no violence. There is no expectation of any problem in Culver City. National news reporting on election related conflicts are not reporting on this area. Keeping a positive and peaceful focus is both our history and our expectation for the future.
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