Staggered Reopening for Some Sectors

LA County Public Health announced that over the next 10 days, the following sectors will be allowed to reopen once they implement the required protocols for infection control and distancing:

Nail salons may reopen for limited indoor services at 25 percent occupancy.

Cardrooms may reopen for outdoor gaming only. Food and beverages may not be served in cardrooms at this time.

Indoor shopping malls will be allowed to reopen at 25 percent maximum occupancy; all food courts and all common areas remain closed per the State order.

Outdoor playgrounds may reopen at the approval and discretion of cities and the County Parks and Recreation Department. Parents and children age two years old and older must always wear a cloth face covering, avoid people not in their household, and sanitize hands before and after using playground equipment. There is no eating or drinking allowed at the playground. Indoor playgrounds remain closed.

Public Health will finalize the dates for each sector’s re-opening by the end of the week. The City of Culver City will issue orders mirroring the County’s orders to allow the activities to take place. These activities may only take place after the new County and City orders are issued, and only in compliance with the newly issued County protocols.

Comprehensive protocols for all sectors that reopen will be posted on the Public Health website to ensure the continued health and safety of workers and the community. Public Health urges all operators of businesses that are currently closed to implement all of the requirements in Public Health protocols prior to reopening to ensure compliance and avoid citations, fines and possible closure. It is critical that directives and infection protocols are followed to minimize COVID-19 spread as much as possible.

Violations can be reported to the Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 253-6890 or by emailing [email protected].

The Actors' Gang

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