If you are one of many who have been engaged by the documentary “The Social Dilemma,” here is an opportunity to reach back into the roots of the topic. “Psychic Space – Brainwashing and the Cold War” is today’s topic on Cold War Spaces from the Wende Online. A focus from a previous exhibit at the museum in 2017, Curator Joes Segal will speak with Daniel Pick, psychoanalyst and Professor of History at Birkbeck, University of London. Pick is leading a research group at Birkbeck exploring the history of the human sciences and ‘psy’ professions during the Cold War. He currently holds a Senior Investigator grant from the Wellcome Trust for this project, entitled ‘Hidden Persuaders’: Brainwashing, Culture, Clinical Knowledge and the Cold War Human Sciences, c. 1950-1990′
Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 12 p.m. PST
Zoom Webinar
To register, go to – /us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/tZYudemrrTsrHdXFDVQYYDRWosjITBKvYZxn/success?user_id=jzzEOtfpRI-Oc78iTZG5ZQ&timezone_id=America%2FLos_Angeles
Graphic by Jordan Gonen (Medium)
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