Culver City Democrats Officially Condemn Police Union Video

At their monthly meeting on September 9, 2020, the members of the Culver City Democratic Club adopted a resolution against a social media video released by the Culver City Police Officers Association.

In response to the Black Lives Matter movement, CCPOA has hired Public Safety Association Consultants, who specialize in helping police fight progressive policy changes or budget cuts. This video, released August 13, attacked and attempted to intimidate local supporters of police  reform, including the Culver City Action Network, a community activist group, and School Board Member Kelly Kent and her father John Kent. The Kents are valued members of the Democratic Club, as are many members of CCAN.

CCAN formed in 2016, drove the successful campaign for Culver City to become a sanctuary city, and has since done major work on immigrant rights, tenant protections, and resisting expansions of police power.

The full text of the resolution follows:  

Resolution on Culver City Police Officers Association Public Relations Campaign Against Culver City Action Network 

Whereas police have a professional duty to protect and serve every community member; 

Whereas police have too often surveilled, harassed, and attacked activists in the labor, civil  rights, antiwar, gay liberation, and other progressive movements; 

Whereas analysis of CCPD arrest records shows similar over-policing of Black and Latinx  people; 

Whereas right-wing conspiracy theories and vigilantism are spreading under the brand of “law  and order;” and 

Whereas the Culver City Action Network has worked publicly in Culver City to protect, educate  and empower our most vulnerable community members; now, therefore, be it 

Resolved, that the Culver City Democratic Club joins City Council Members Alex Fisch, Daniel  Lee, Meghan Sahli-Wells, and Thomas Small in condemning the Culver City Police Officers  Association’s public relations campaign attempting to demonize the Culver City Action Network,  Kelly and John Kent, and other local activists seeking to reimagine public safety in solidarity with  the Black Lives Matter movement.

Founded in 1952, the Culver City Democratic Club is the oldest Democratic organization on the westside. All Democrats are welcome to join. For more information, visit

The Actors' Gang

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