Citizen SafePass App = Contact Tracing with Privacy

The City of Culver City continues to cooperate with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to respond to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Los Angeles County.

Download the Citizen SafePass App to get alerted when you need to get tested for COVID-19. If you’ve had contact with somebody who later tests positive for COVID-19, you’ll get a notification to get tested, with options for nearby testing sites or get a free at-home test. If you test positive, anyone you’ve been in contact with recently will be notified – without revealing any identifying information about you.

Download the SafePass App now at /

From the Los Angeles Times – Here’s how SafePass works: Users download the app and give it permission to use their phone’s short-range Bluetooth signal. Then, whenever the app detects another SafePass user nearby for more than five minutes, it logs that user as a contact. A user who tests positive for the coronavirus can upload their test result into the app, which automatically sends out an alert to everyone logged as a contact: You’ve been exposed to the virus, please get tested and isolate yourself if necessary.

That alert is anonymous — it says only that a user has been exposed, not who did the exposing — and the company behind the app, Sp0n Inc., says it automatically deletes users’ data after 30 days to preserve their privacy (and within 24 hours if a user deletes the app).

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