Plastic Bag Ban is Back in Place; Simple Rules for Bringing Your Own Bags to Shop

It was one of Culver City’s ‘milestone moments’ when single use plastic bags were banned from local stores. Other cities followed suit, as did the state. But the coronavirus changed that back, with minimal contact shopping requiring more disposable plastic. Governor Newsom’s temporary suspension of the bag ban has expired and stores are now allowed to charge a fee for reusable plastic bags or recycled paper bags provided at time of checkout. The amount of ten cents per bag is the same amount charged prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, it’s time to get those shopping bags out, give them a good cleaning, and put them back into use 

There are COVID-19 specific rules for using your own shopping bags. The California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) recommends that customers who bring in their own reusable bags ensure the following:

Bags are not placed on conveyor belts or any other area outside of shopping carts.
Bags make no contact with employees.
Customers bag their own groceries.
Customers do not bag groceries in the checkout area if they cannot maintain physical distancing. Groceries can be placed in a cart and bagged elsewhere by the customer.

For a complete set of standards on Cal/OSHA’s guidance for grocery stores, go to

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