Parks, Recreation and Community Services – Numbers to Admire

From  March 15 to May 15, 2020, there was probably no one city department that changed so completely as Parks, Recreations and Community Services. To transform from a system of gathering places and classes into a meal delivery and social support machine without missing dinner – even once – took the staff and the administration into uncharted territory. 

At their budget presentation to the council they were able to confirm 7458 Meals delivered to Seniors, 195+ Grocery bags delivered and 9542 Community calls made. There were 6000 Senior’ Safer at Home’ Guides mailed, 6000 Postcards sent and a brand new Virtual Recreation Center launched with 106 links provided for activities to enjoy safely at home.

But it wasn’t all about being inside, either. PRCS had 810 acres mowed to allow for social distancing at our parks.

While their slogan “Parks Make Life Better” is still true, it’s the people at PRCS who are making life possible for many in our community. 

You may get specific updates related to Parks, Recreation and Community Services, email PRCS at [email protected] or call us at (310) 253-6650 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The Actors' Gang

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