Dear Editor – Foolish Fiber Optics?

Dear Editor:

“[Y]ou got to know—When to hold ’em—Know when to fold ’em—Know when to walk away—Know when to run….” (Kenny Rogers – The Gambler Lyrics)

According to the 5/5/20 Wall Street Journal (“Property Investors See Fiber-Optic Cables as ‘Railroads of the Future’; Crown Castle, an owner of cell towers and fiber-optic cables, has rallied during coronavirus pandemic “), “Fiber-optic cables are drawing a growing interest from investors[] … which has allowed publicly traded real-estate investments trusts to build up sizeable portfolios.”

Our newly anointed Mayor Eriksson, with his supposed conservative bona fides, should not want local government involved in risky-private-enterprise endeavors—especially in an election year.

Please see my 5/10/19 article entitled “Does Culver City Have a $14 Million Information Highway to Nowhere?” and my 1/24/20 article entitled “Culver City Fritters Away Taxpayer’s Money.” Each deals with Culver City’s fiber-optic money pit.

This is the time our City Council, now led by a self-proclaimed expert in all things fiber optic, and our City Manager, who never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity, to unload Culver City’s $15 million (and still growing) fiber-optic network (boon doggle) on a greater fool.

Les Greenberg, Esquire

The Actors' Gang

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