Heal the Bay is Here to ‘Drop Some Knowledge’

Heal the Bay, a non-profit environmental organization, has always leaned heavily into education. Now that many of us are ‘home schooling,’ marine biology and environmental studies can be part of your curriculum.

You’re Invited To Knowledge Drops – Recent school closures mean many students are not getting the daily education they need. Heal the Bay is responding with Knowledge Drops — a new interactive science education series where our team of scientists, experts, and advocates explores the water world and offers fun lessons about the marine environment.

Starting tomorrow, 3/25 @ 1:30pm PDT – STORM DRAINS  – go to register.gotowebinar.com/register/8355646662023390732

All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! Each session is an hour long and includes Q&A, polls, videos, and a live presentation.

If you are a teacher with a topic suggestion, please contact the organization with your idea. Go to healthebay.org

The Actors' Gang

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