Sacramento Passes Bills Supporting Emergency Funding

On Monday, March 16, 2020, Sacramento passed two Budget Bills to assist the Governor’s response efforts associated with his March 4th Proclamation of Emergency. SB 117 approved emergency funding to ensure our schools remain funded. SB 89 stated that the Governor and the Legislature will work together to develop strategies to assist individuals, non-profits, and small business experiencing economic hardships due to the impacts of COVID-19.

According to State Senator Holly Mitchell, Chair of the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, “This is not only a down payment of state dollars but public resources. The state has a hardy reserve because of our prudent budgeting. We are in a strong position to help CA manage the current crisis. We also expect the federal government to step up and help the number one donor state in the nation as we combat this public health crises.”


The Actors' Gang

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