Culver City Adult School Offers ESL, GED and More

Spring Term of Culver City Adult School’s ESL, High School Diploma, HiSet/GED Prep, and Adult Basic Education classes start on Monday, January 27. Call Culver City Adult School at (310) 842-4300 or come in to set up an appointment for a placement exam TODAY!

Culver City Adult School’s Summer Enrichment 4 Kids Program Early Bird registration (with Early Bird pricing) has begun! Space is limited at Culver City’s most convenient, most fun, most academically enriching, most reasonable summer program.

Culver City Adult School’s Spanish for the Workplace class starts at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 30.

To connect with Culver City Adult School, go to

The Actors' Gang


  1. hi my name is lorenzo olivera and i would like to enroll my self to ESL classess becuase my english is not to good thanks [lorenzolopez0505@att,net]3109851116

  2. Please get in touch with the Culver City Adult School
    . they can sign you up for classes. Good luck!

  3. Hello; I have a question; can I register online for English classes? or I have to go to the office.

  4. Hi. I need to take a exam to check my level in English! My goal is to get my GED Thank you norberta Torres

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