Volunteer for the Homeless Count – January 22, 2020

Concerned about the homeless crisis? Become more hands-on and engaged in local efforts to address homelessness. No experience required! The Culver City Housing Division is taking the lead in conducting Culver City’s 2020 Homeless Count on the evening of Wednesday, January 22, 2020, between 8:00 p.m. and midnight.

This is a collaborative effort among cities and part of the 2020 Greater Los Angeles County Homeless Count. Volunteers are teamed up, trained, given all needed supplies and deployed to designated areas throughout the city to count the homeless – in one night. Just a few hours of your time can make the difference in someone finding permanent housing.

To sign up visit the LAHSA website at www.theycountwillyou.org/culver_city_count_20191022

Photo credit – Invisible People

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. Our company would love to be part of this next time in Culver City. We are based in Culver City and would love to help make the city a better place.
    Please send me more information on future gatherings and volunteer opportunities.

    All the best,

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